Friday, July 31, 2009

Pole ''Saka Lima belas'' at Adisana Bumiayu

Adisana, - For member Bumiayu and vinicity certain know train bridge the name ''saka lima belas'' at get up by dutch, from fifteen that bridge buffers is obvious there difference self, made buffer from iron, observation result www. semboyan35. com why differ. obvious story by story that made stanchion from that iron to has replaced concrete buffer that collapse. in 18 marches 1972 poles to 9 collapse, one of the member see that insident then he report it to side PTKA, moment happen to collapse it that stanchion happens rain enough quick make muddy river exist in under it overflows so that bring down one of the train bridge pole. member Adisana Bumiayu hurry to do step so that doesn't happen train tumblings.
From action a that named father Surip, after that insident is father Surip is lifted to so railroadman. and as memories ptka build monument, that monument country Elementary School 1 Adisana.