Friday, August 7, 2009

Place bathes ''Kali Sarpin" at Kaligadung Bumiayu

Kaligadung, nofrizal - bot many that know if not come to kaligadung bumiayu, be society characteristic kaligadung of course there place has bathed boys, girl, mother, father, children, and etc. ''kali sarpin" rice field atmosphere clear water that refreshes, from activities washes clothes. move from home to bathe done at" time sarpin" . miss likely want me to go home to kaligadung and bathe at" time sarpin" , society survival kaligadung that still up to now of course menanjadi a pride.
cold water, cool rice field wind, tree that sweeting, moment morning time like fun by member that will wash clothes and bathe. after daytime lonely, after afternoon approach evening return crowded by clothes cleaners, people who from rice field, children that play soccer.
memoriess exist in kaligadung very recall.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Hovel ''Al-hikmah'' santri study at Benda village

Benda - Information if at bumiayu there Benda the name village, at Benda found hovel ''Pesantren Al-hikmah'' that at know by many person. as one of the has order or etiquette that compelled at follow by every santri and surounding citizen.
''Pesantren Al-hikmah'' be hovel often be important ones visit centre the indonesia. Soeharto, Gus-dur, Jusuf Kalla, ever come to this place. Benda member in general very glad with hovel existence, besides Benda, Kaligadung as village neighbour will be place to transit santri that going to thing, every santri that pass by Kaligadung after climb city transport and go down at Kaligadung to Benda trip usually there transport that rush by, if not rise motorcycle used for public transport.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Former Fhilippine President Aquino Enclosing Age

Manila, - Former Philippine President Corazon Aquino famous with action "people power" to overthrow dictator Ferdinand Marcos pass away at age 76 year. Son Aquino, senators Benigno "noynoy" Aquino III, say that the mother passes away, saturday (1/8) blow 03.18 local time.
Aquino mendiagnosis suffer large intestine cancer last year and cared at home ill during more than a month. follow Benigno, cancer has scattered to entire organs and condition the late too weak to endure kemoterapi.
Supporters and sympathizer aquino every day during a month climb prayer at church at Manila and country wide so that Aquino well.